if ya don't know, ya better ask somebody

Monday, September 12, 2011

RETURN OF THE M.A.N.N. once again!

i could hear the song running like a theme in the background. i'm right around the point where mark morrison is singing the hook, but instead of "return of the mack..." he's singing "return of the mann...". i have on some spankin new black suede pumas and some other black clothes. just the pumas stood out from the dream sequence. and i'm walking down a random street that looks a lot like the set from the billy jean video, but with more people. now that is an entrance! snap back to reality, this would just be another entry on a blog that hardly anybody knows exists. which is fine by me. this blog really wasn't meant to be popular. this is my venting blog. i haven't been in a venting kinda mode for some time, hence the absence. but now i am... which is all that really matters.

it's been a while, so i've observed stuff. learnt stuff. changed my views on stuff. have things to say about stuff. liked and disliked stuff. adds up to a lot of stuff. but before i stuff some stuff up in this blog, i think i should flip it back a bit and address some misconceptions. let's manage some expectations via a short FAQ shall we?

Do you write this blog because you're bitter, can't get laid and have trouble finding/keeping a partner?
not 100% true. i get my fair share thank you very much. not one to boast, but i don't do too badly. of course everybody has the story about the one that got away or the story about the one that probably wasn't meant to be or the i-think-there's-something-there-but-not-too-sure story and i'm no exception. but the words here are far from bitter ones. what fuels this is more interest in getting feedback about a lot of things that i think about in my limited spare time and/or things i talk about in my circles. so while there are some things that might actually upset me, it's not a general, overall disgust.

Do you vent because you've been in some really bad relationships with some really bad women?
nah... not true. i mean, one or two of them turned out to be a little caught up. a little selfish here, a little on the dishonest side there, but in general, i've been with some ok girls. i mean ok enough that i don't have an ex i can't call up and have a genuine, good conversation with. i think that speaks well of both the relationships and the women.

Are you too picky when you shouldn't be? you're not all that yourself?
ok, the last part is true. the first part is false twice. if somebody decides to be picky, i think they have every right to do so. go out there and get what you want. with that being said, i'm not picky at all. i think picky describes a person who has overly particular demands. now there are a lot of things i do not like, such as those gladiator sandals that girls seem to think look cool for some reason, but most of them aren't deal breakers. actually, all i ask for is honesty. it's my belief that everything else can be worked out.

Are all the entries about your personal experiences? You've been through a lot!
i have been through a lot, but all the things i talk about don't all happen to me. like i mentioned before, the topics here are more so things i observed and things i have discussed with friends that i want more responses on or find interesting enough to share. one or two things might be about me, but i try not to distinguish between the two to protect the identities of the innocent.

Do you like liver?

Is this a woman bashing blog?
not really. it's a stupidity bashing blog. as a matter of fact, the tone of the blog might probably class it as a man bashing blog first. but in reality, it's not really about gender. it's about thinking and how we deal with this world and its interactions. it may seem like a boy's club coming from a man and directed primarily to men, but the brunt of my fire is really for men who fail to step up and think about things like men.

So what's the point of all this?
well, i think i'm a better person because people shared with me. parents, friends, even some strangers. i'm an observant guy if i may say so myself, so i see lessons in things. understanding that it's not necessarily the common approach to look at things from different perspectives and go beyond surface value, i think a blog like this with some ideas can help trigger thought and at least get us thinking about stuff.

and thus endeth the FAQ session. if you read this and have a question, email me or post a comment with your question and i'll try to answer. if not... aight then. on with the show.

MANN... out!


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