if ya don't know, ya better ask somebody

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


"i want to put a ding in the universe." one of my favorite quotes. mainly because, like steve jobs, i want to put a ding in the universe too. well... maybe not the universe. i'll settle for a ding in my country. but that's the problem. this country seems un-dingable. it's as if we never listened to that sprite campaign. the one that said image is nothing, thirst is everything. because who you can do is more important than what you can do here. of course networking and other pumped up versions of it exists all over the world and i have no problem with that. but i do have a problem when that overshadows merit. as MANN, i think this is sad. how are we supposed to be encouraged to continue creating innovative and progressive ideas to present to people who aren't necessarily innovative or progressive?

i can regale you all with epic stories of incidents such as presenting a food blog to the marketing manager of a leading food store who was in charge of the company's website and being asked "so exactly what is a BLOB?" or even that time back in the day when i was told to use my aunt's address to apply for jobs because it's harder to get a job coming from my area. but to keep the entry short and blog-like, lets just say we've been backward for some time and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. so how do we keep our sanity and continue trying to be the super heroes that we want to be? well, apart from appreciating the process and enjoying the growth that comes from enduring, taking a beating and getting back up, we can take some comfort knowing that brilliant ideas pop up despite many obstacles and set backs. ideas like this one:

kinda nice to know that there are still supermen out there.


Blogger Christine Johnston said...

u da mann!

8:20 AM


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